10 Mountains 10 Years (Movie)

In 2005 when I started this project I never would have expected any of this, much less a feature film documentary narrated by Anne Hathaway, music by Bruce Springsteen and an introduction by my friend Leeza Gibbons. But, come 2010 and this is how a little project grew daily, monthly, yearly into what it’s become today.

Any one of us can do the same, and you don’t need to climb real mountains to change the world. All we need to do is decide that today (not tomorrow, next week or next year) will be the beginning of the new life we’ll live as altruistic advocates. Yes, it will be a crossroad in time when you make the decision to improve the world around you. You will divide your life between everything you were before this moment, and everything you will become afterward.

Don’t wait to start. Don’t dot every “i” and cross every “t”, you don’t need a well laid plan. Just do it. Take one step, then another and another. Believe me all the pieces will fall into their own place. Count on the mistakes but hope for the best. Every time you fall…get up and try again. Determination is what will cure Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease.

World up,

Brick Shitting Success


You’ve got to ask yourself, is the juice “worth the squeeze”?

I’ve never heard of anyone succeeding at something they can do easily.

Success is built on the nerve wracking process of shitting bricks and sweating blood for something you honestly believe is worth fighting for everyday.

Success is hard. Either you win or you loose, but you’ll never know without trying.

World up, Enzo


Our biggest fear is not that we’re inadequate.

It’s that we are, and we don’t know how to be great.

Don’t just Dream. Dream Big. Don’t just Dream Big.

Wake up and make it real.

World up, Enzo

‘64 Worlds Fair

What a damn emotional day.
Today I went down to a funeral in Queens. My friend Craig’s mom passed away.

It’s strange how words can impact or steer a person through years of life at a time. It doesn’t happen very often for me, and mostly I recognize that the ship has turned it’s course after looking back in hind sight through years of time. But sometimes if there’s a special aire about a person, or a certain glow radiating from them, you know there’s something you should be listening to and remembering in their words. Craig’s mom was a beauty queen when she was young. She was smart and elegant. She always had a spiritual way about her. Life was good and she had everything positive going for her, then she was paralyzed.

That might dim the light on someone else’s inner glow, but Craig’s mom was different. Of course all that happened before I ever met her, but it wouldn’t have stopped me from seeing her for who she was. Meeting her was enough to understand that in this life she never really walked the earth so much as she could glide over it, and see it all as if from a celestial perspective. She could see ahead, and she could look back. Not across land or sea, but more through time, or even deeper… the ages.

Craig was my room mate in college, and back in the day his personal passions were clearly art, music, photography, script writing, and sculpting. But, in today’s world you know Craig’s work in the “10 Mountains 10 Years” movie poster.

In college though he was a film student, and on his first week in the dorm he went around video taping anyone and everyone. The first weekend came and he went home with loads of footage from the first week at school and showed his mom. I seem to remember him filming her at home too, and bringing that back to show us.

After watching Craig’s video’s and seeing me for the first time, Craig’s mom told me things about my family which I never knew, and didn’t actually go on to learn for myself until years later. She also told me things about myself that were prophetic. It’s not even a stretch of the imagination to believe that part of the way I am now, and why I do what I do is because she had enlightened me.

On the way home from the funeral I was making my way across Queen’s past the old site of the 1964 World Fair, and I remembered a photo of my mom by a fountain there when she was young. The photo was engraved in my mind and it struck me that I wanted to find where she sat in the photo.

Ok so I’m weird like that, but I wanted to find the exact spot and touch the stone she sat on all those years ago.

In a half life clouded by the mists of Alzheimer’s Disease where you spend part of life collecting memories and the other half forgetting them all, sometimes I just want to remember an image of the way she was. Today though, I wanted to actually touch a little bit of the way it was. I wanted to connect with the way life used to be.

So, I steered the car off the road and into the parking lot. I’d never been in Flushing Meadows Park before, and I really didn’t know where I was going. It didn’t matter, I knew the spot was here somewhere and I was going to find it. I wasn’t in a rush. My navigational instincts had been seared into me at a young age when I got lost on a Welsh beach, and has since has always been a friend of mine. I was just going to keep looking for the image of the photo I held in my mind until I found it.

The air was cold, the leaves were scattered on the ground, and although the grass was still green I could feel that the ‘Winter of Life’ was now biting like a wolf at my mothers heels.

The pool was empty, so I stepped in and walked across the painted blue floor underneath the giant sphere. Looking up at the metal form of Australia I thought of my relatives living there, and wondered how life might have been for me if my mom had moved us to Brisbane. Ah, that’s a long story from slightly before I was born which clearly impacted and brought me into character for today, but it’s a story for another day.

Then there was Africa. I thought, “I was there”, looking up to the spot where Kilimanjaro sits. Just above it I could see Sicily, Italy & Spain, and for a moment I stopped to reflect on my friends Fulvio, LuzBel, Claudia, Paula & all the amazing people I’d just met there on my film tour. There up above them was the Garden of England catching the last light of the steel globe’s day. I sat down looking up at it thinking about my family there too, and remembered street where my mom grew up. I also thought of a girl named Jacqui who had just emailed me from the Northampton earlier today with news of a project we were starting to develop together.

If only we could really travel the world so fast, I’d never miss anyone. I’d go here and there on a moment’s notice just to say hi and then hi again. I hate the word goodbye, and I never say it unless I mean it.

A few more steps, and I walked around to the left under South America and thought of the day Jen Yee stepped onto the summit of the Volcano Cotopaxi while our future team mates Luc & Benny waited for us to reach the rim. Then I looked up above it to North America. I was definitely in the mood for reflection, but America is too big, too many people, too many memories, and too many thoughts for now. I could have laid down looking up and thought of you all for hours, but I was looking for a memory of my mom somewhere in this park and decided it would be better for me to move on.

This is my mom at the 1964 Worlds Fair in New York City. She’d just recently moved to NY from Birmingham, England. This was literally and metaphorically the ‘Summertime of her Life’. She was out in her Venetian Gondola Pilot shirt, enjoying the weather with one of her friends.

Look at her, not a care in the world! She was an ocean away from home, meeting new people, and having fun living in a big strange new land.

In 1964, sitting on the wall at this reflection pool, I wasn’t even a thought in her mind. But, time gives and time takes away. Today, there’s not much of any thoughts left in my mom’s mind. Today I could just as well be the stranger behind the camera who took her photo at the fountain.

Beyond the Giant Sphere I could see a long series of fountains leading down toward a pond in the distance. I was close. I could remember my mom sitting near these fountains with her back toward the globe.

I passed two fountains then looked back and thought… “No, the globe is too close.”

I passed another fountain pool and looked back thinking “I see the statue but the globe is still too big”.

I walked down past the last fountain pool then looked back and thought “Here I am. It’s all just right. The fountains, the statue, the scale of it all. I’m close.” Now I just wanted to find & touch the stone.

So, I walked along the edge of this low stone wall framing the edge of the pool. Step after step I ran my hand along the stone top and the mortar joints the whole way across from one end to the other, and back again. Where was the spot though? I knew I must have just touched it somewhere on that wall.

Humm. So I climbed up onto the wall and looked at the pond to my right then thought, “In that photo, my mom was looking at this pond. So this is what she saw.”

The Worlds Fair is gone. The crowds are gone. The boats on the pond are gone. The Summertime of her Life is gone, but she’s still here and I can feel her in the cold wintery air. I looked down along the wall about 20 feet away, and realized she was sitting right there. I could feel the hair on my head stand on end and my hands start to tingle as I walked over to the spot. I bent down and touched the stone once again then moved my hands through the air just above it, as if I were moving them right through her.

“So here you were mom, and in this world you still are. Sitting beside yourself in a way, separated by the seasons, the years, and an empty ocean of memories. You might not remember me, but I remember you.”

“I remember you the way you were, in a time before I was born. In the summer of 1964.”


( ( (  http://youtu.be/699cZHpW88Y ) ) )

Click the link above for a little soundtrack music for this blog entry.

Leeza Gibbons & Maria Shriver

I don’t think I ever posted this link back to Leeza Gibbons website. It was a post from October 26, 2010. She talks about her experience at Maria Shriver’s “March on Alzheimer’s” event in Long Beach, California.

Leeza was my inspiration and fire starter to create the “Army of Change” project. In 2009 she sparked an idea in me to create it. In 2010 she came all the way out from California to attend the “Army of Change” event in New Hampshire, and went on to climb all the way to the top with 200 other soldier advocates. Flash forward to the present day and I am literally just about to begin planning the third annual “Army of Change” event for 2012.

I was so surprised in the greatest way, when I first read the “Excerpts” from Leeza’s speech for Maria Shriver. I never knew or expected to have our collective “Army of Change” mentioned or to even here Leeza mention me in the presence of Maria Shriver.

This was by far one of my greatest honors in life.

Click the link to read Leeza’s speech.



Also some of you might know another Alzheimer’s Advocate who Leeza supports: Lisa Cerasoli author of “As Norma Jo Fades Away”

She was also on hand during the event. You can say hi to her on Facebook.



World up, Enzo

Brian Grant Foundation

Brian Grant “the TITAN”.

A larger than life man with a Lion Heart. This is a Parkinson’s Disease advocate who is one of us.

Brian Grant is a regular man who as worked hard like us all and has gone on to achieve great talent & notoriety on and off the Basketball court. He is a regular man who is humbled and proud to be among those who are powering forward as advocates for a cause. He is a regular man who has for years always seen to it that seriously & terminally ill children were looked after. He is a man who initially launched the Brian Grant Foundation with projects like the “Scholastic Attendance Program”, the “Christmas Adopt-A-Family Program”, the “Thanksgiving Dinner Distribution Program”, “Mother’s Against Gang Violence”, the “TLC Soup Kitchen”, and the “Brian Grant Free Summer Basketball Clinics”.

This is a man who innately knows how to give.

Brian Grant has now focused his attention like a General in the army to conquer Parkinson’s Disease once and for all. Both he and I believe that the people are the answer and the way to make the cure a reality. People just like you and I will be the front line in the conquest of Parkinson’s Disease and Brian is here to support you.

Find him on Facebook to join his cause!



Or reach out to him at the Brian grant Foundations website:



Powering Forward:



World up, Enzo

DVD…out this month!


At long last, the day has finally come. By Thanksgiving Day, the Official DVD of “10 Mountains 10 Years” movie will be released on Amazon and available worldwide to everyone!

The Official DVD includes an interactive menu, the full length film, the trailer as featured on Apple, a new bonus commentary track, language is officially English, with Spanish, and Italian subtitles! Check out the film trailer here on my blog or look it up & download it on ITunes.

World up, Enzo


So, I was commenting on my nephews Facebook page about music & I thought I might post a thought here.

At the age of 6 I had already stolen my Dad’s classical guitar and begun teaching myself to play songs from memory. “Romanza” which was a classical piece of music along with a bunch of other songs I could recall enough to find the notes of like “House of the Rising Sun”, “Apache”, the bull fighting music, and a few others. It was a great feeling to hold something that had no life of it’s own and make it come to life with music. Into my ears, through my mind, to my fingers and out of that guitar. But that was satisfaction driven by simple accomplishments.

Diving deep into the “10 Mountains 10 Years” history you’d see a 9 year old me standing in my friend John Course’s bedroom. He’s sweating like a pig with his usual dirt streaked face. Sweat was bleeding through his white button up short sleeve shirt, because we had just come inside from building a fort out of cardboard boxes down by the train tracks behind his house. Ah those were simple times before kids had their minds fried staying inside playing games on the computer. Earlier he was telling me about a band this kid Eddie Hickenbotham turned him onto. Eddie was older than us, and John was older than me. The way it worked was all the music got filtered down to me from the older kids in Mount Kisco.

So, John takes off his Elton John & Kiki Dee 45rpm from the turn table of his record player and pulls the second record of this new double album out of it’s sleeve with Casablanca written on the center label. He’s still holding the album cover behind his back so I don’t see it yet.

The needle goes down on the record and the crackle of dust in the space between the songs begins to break the silence then there it was. The power chords rip into the room and he cranks the volume up to 10, because his mom wasn’t home (of course).

I’m like “What’s this?”, and he says this is what it is.

He hands me the cover of KISS “Alive” and for the first time I see Gene, Ace & Paul. The music is blasting my ears out in this little 6 foot wide converted porch of a bedroom and it’s all hitting me but I didn’t know what it was. It was like sensory overload. I’m standing there stunned, holding this album cover, looking at the make-up on their faces, dreaming myself into the costumes, listening to “Rock & Roll All Night”, and looking at John playing air guitar and thinking is this real? If it’s real then I “wanted in”. I want to do this too. I was a die hard KISS fan from then on.

Being an elementary school kid obviously without a job it was virtually impossible to save up for a double album, so I just hung out at Johns as much as possible soaking it all in. The next spring KISS Destroyer came out and my brother Dan & I spent all summer saving every penny we could to buy it down in Fox & Sutherland’s record department for $5.99, and it was scratched! UGH, is there no mercy for two little kids from the skids of Mount Kisco who want to fuel their lives with a little Rock & Roll music?

Ultimately, I arrived at the beginning. I say this because in December 1977 finally at long last we got tickets to see our first KISS concert in Madison Square Garden for the KISS ALIVE II tour. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I heard that little Jon Bon Jovi, and little Sebastian Bach were also there somewhere in the arena with us to see KISS for their first concert. For me and Dan it was intense. For my dad who was sitting next to us holding his ears…it was probably more of deafening a pain in the ass.

The thing that struck the then 11 year old me immediately with this first concert was the huge contrast between all the bad raps they were getting and reality. They got little to no radio support and the religious groups were saying that they were satanic. I never believed any of that bad press. Regardless, they would get painted black and it was funny and equally sad to see it in magazines and on TV. But, the contrast between all that and the truth was immeasurable.

In Madison Square Garden that night Paul Stanley would tell the crowd in so many different ways that they could achieve absolutely anything they want in life as long as they believed in themselves and worked hard for their dreams. Sitting in the dark about half way up into the nose bleeder seats to the right of the stage, listening and watching them do what they do best, all the pieces started coming together in my little mind.

The seed was planted in when I taught myself to play guitar.

It was watered and electrified in 1975 when I first heard the KISS “Alive” album in John’s bedroom.

And in December 1977 in Madison Square Garden listening to everything Paul had to say in between songs, the seed broke ground into the daylight and started to grow.

I completely believed it when Paul Stanley said to believe in yourself and to stand up for what you believe in, and this set the tone for the rest of my life.

There are a handful of crossroads in our lives which divide everything that was before from everything that comes after, and this was one. I was marked for life. There was a lesson in the feeling I had in this hand full of moments which I pocketed and saved subconsciously for decades later when I started my “10 Mountains 10 Years” charity project.

One of those lessons was that dreaming small is ok. Dreaming BIG is a good start, but working hard to make those dreams a reality is imperative. Working them hard until they become real is a challenge we can all drive ourselves to realize. If we pushed ourselves and those dreams to the limits the world just may let us have them.

So, what does KISS have to do with my “10 Mountains 10 Years” project? KISS is Big. KISS is larger than life. KISS was more than a band it was an idea filled with big goals planted in the minds of a million kids.

Instead of creating the “10 Mountains 10 Years” project, I could have designed a small project which was easy and could be done without a single problem, but where is the challenge & the accomplishment in that? I could have said I want to do one simple little thing for my cause then be satisfied in having done the bare minimum, even if the cause still needed help and issues still needed to be solved. I could have quit when the odds would stack against my being able to carry on… but no.


I believed that anything was possible. I believed that if I worked hard enough I could push these larger than life dreams into reality, and I would grow in the process.

So, I took a little one shot awareness / fund raising project I had created called “A Trail Called Hope” and turned it into the decade long “10 Mountains 10 Years” project. Then when I learned that other people wanted to challenge themselves by raising the bar on their efforts to champion Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease by saying that they “wanted in” – just like I “wanted in” (when I first heard “Rock & Roll All Night”) – I created the “Army of Change” project to give them a stage to make their stand and to be heard.

It’s all an evolution driven by a lot of blind faith, and only justified by deep hindsight to connect the dots along the road map of your journey.

So to bring this lesson to a close, Music & KISS in the mind of a 9 year old kid inspired the beginnings of an awareness project which has grown into a small army, an award winning feature film, and is now about to spill over across the Atlantic Ocean to plant seeds in the hearts and minds of a new population of people who believe that anything is possible.

In the conquest of Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease I didn’t come to take prisoners. I came to set them free. I was born to end this.

Long live KISS !

World up,

The Sword

By words, by actions, by intelligence, or by the pen, we all live by one sword or the other.

World up, E

The Formula for Accomplishment

We hold this truth to be self evident. The formula for all great accomplishment is composed of three words:

Passion + Purpose + Perseverance

A mountain will not move for you. A life story will not write itself for you. The cures you seek can never be found without looking. There are no short cuts or easy ways to make great things happen. The journey is always long, always hard, and there is only one way to go . . . forward.

Passion will turn on the big machine. You will tear out the breaks and throw away the key. Purpose will move you. Perseverance will burn the bridges behind you and force you ahead. The road map to “Accomplishment” is only marked by two points “the beginning” and “success”.

World up, Enzo